A review of diagnostic information processing methods in the construction of systems for operating diagnostics of rotor eccentricity of induction motors
Department of Electromechanics and rolling stock of railways, Kyiv Institute of Railway Transport of State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
Kyiv National University of Life and Architecture
Department of Heat Engineering of Kyiv National University of Life and Architecture, Kyiv
Submission date: 2024-10-07
Final revision date: 2025-03-02
Acceptance date: 2025-03-08
Online publication date: 2025-03-09
Publication date: 2025-03-09
Corresponding author
Oleg Gubarevych
Department of Electromechanics and rolling stock of railways, Kyiv Institute of Railway Transport of State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
Induction motors are widely used in traction drives of rolling stock of railways. For timely detection of faults that may occur in an induction motor during operation, a functional diagnostics system is used. Thanks to such a system, it is possible to detect and prevent further development of a fault at the initial stage of its occurrence in real time. When developing a functional diagnostics system, it is important to select the most relevant method for processing diagnostic information for a specific type of damage. One of the most difficult to detect defects is rotor eccentricity. Rotor eccentricity is a consequence of a wide range of motor damages that must be monitored during operation. The paper offers an analysis of modern methods for processing diagnostic information that can be used to build a functional diagnostics system for the presence of rotor eccentricity in an induction traction motor, and also provides recommendations for choosing a more effective method.
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