A review of the design and control using computational fluid dynamics of gasoline direct injection engines
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Vocational Education Department, Ministry of Education, Babel, Iraq
Department of Petroleum Technology, Koya Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University, 44001 Erbil, Iraq
Submission date: 2022-04-29
Final revision date: 2022-08-12
Acceptance date: 2022-08-30
Online publication date: 2022-09-01
Publication date: 2022-09-01
Corresponding author
Barhm Mohamad   

Department of Petroleum Technology, Koya Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University, 44001 Erbil, Iraq
Diagnostyka 2022;23(3):2022306
This paper explores the role of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling technique in the design, regulation, and production of the gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine combustion system through literature reviews. It begins with a brief analysis of injector technologies and the effect of spray characteristics on the optimization of the combustion system. The key challenges of optimizing a homogeneous-charge GDI combustion system are the enhancement of volumetric performance and homogeneity of fuel-air mixing with reduced wetting of surface fuel and the improvement of power output. Most of the calculations focused on dynamic mesh strategy to manage moving geometry varied from case to case. The techniques of the methods varied. During the opening event of a GDI gasoline-injector for automotive applications, the findings of the literature indicate the primary fuel atomization.
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