An automated system for body temperature monitoring of children, people with disabilities and bedridden people using a continuous analysis
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The Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Submission date: 2020-03-14
Final revision date: 2020-07-10
Acceptance date: 2020-07-13
Online publication date: 2020-07-14
Publication date: 2020-09-02
Corresponding author
Azambek A. Turakulov   

The Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Diagnostyka 2020;21(3):31-40
The article discusses one of the ways to monitor human health through a continuous comparative analysis of skin temperatures on various parts of the body. Comparing the temperatures of such parts as the armpit, limbs of the arms and legs, it is proposed to draw a conclusion about the state of blood circulation and blood density. A detailed algorithm for processing the measured temperatures is presented. An automated data processing and notification system is proposed. The description of the initial version of the device developed by the authors is given, where the assumptions about possible health problems are notified using light lamps and an audio signal. An inexpensive Arduino NANO microcontroller is proposed as a technical tool for an information processing device. The research results can be applied as mathematical, technical and software for automated systems for monitoring human health. The device can be useful in constantly monitoring the health status of newborns, people with disabilities and people with limited ability to move independently.
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