Analysis of the neutral grounding modes influence on the reliability characteristics of local systems with renewable energy sources
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Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Railway Research Institute
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine
Dnipro University of Technology
Submission date: 2020-06-30
Final revision date: 2020-11-19
Acceptance date: 2021-01-25
Online publication date: 2021-01-27
Publication date: 2021-03-04
Corresponding author
Valeriy Kuznetsov   

Railway Research Institute
Diagnostyka 2021;22(1):45-56
When comparing the performance indicators of electrical networks with different types of neutral grounding, along with the fulfilment of the requirement to ensure reliability of power supply to consumers, serious attention is drawn to the main network parameters influencing the performance of power supply systems. Analysis of research and its results, reported above, on the influence of the neutral ground of power networks on the reliability and electrical safety conditions of the power supply systems as a whole, on the damage of distribution networks and electrical equipment as well as on the working capacity of relay protection devices, provides an opportunity to estimate each specific operation mode of the neutral and to develop recommendations aimed at strengthening the positive indicators of the corresponding modes. Other things being equal, reliability of power supply to electrical receivers or reliability of distribution networks is mainly determined by the damage to network elements and the performance of relay protection devices. The degree of influence of these factors on the reliability of distribution networks depends on the neutral mode, which in turn determines the level of overvoltages and the nature of transient processes at ground failure.
This paper is elaborated in the framework of the project co-financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
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