Analyzing frequency response analysis experimentally for bone healing detection: examining the potential of vibrational evaluations
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Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, 51001 Babylon, Iraq
Submission date: 2024-04-04
Final revision date: 2024-08-01
Acceptance date: 2024-08-09
Online publication date: 2024-08-21
Publication date: 2024-08-21
Corresponding author
Abbas Jawad Kadhim   

Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, 51001 Babylon, Iraq
Diagnostyka 2024;25(3):2024315
This study investigates using vibrational assessments to detect bone healing, crucial for effective orthopedic treatment. It explores the feasibility of assessing frequency response for this purpose through detailed experiments. Various mechanical frequencies were applied to cracked bone samples, and their vibrational responses measured. The study encompassed five samples to cover a wide range of scenarios. Analysis of vibrational parameters like phase, magnitude, and coherence identified consistent patterns associated with the healing process. Results suggested that frequency response analysis could discern bone healing, evidenced by distinct vibrational responses in healed samples subjected to cyclic loading at different intervals. These findings highlight the sensitivity of vibrational assessments in capturing bone tissue properties and healing status. Moreover, cracks affect structural integrity and natural frequency, with a decrease in frequency as cycles increase, especially noticeable in the first mode shape and maximum cycle count. Natural frequency serves as an indicator of bone health, with higher stiffness and frequency associated with smaller crack sizes, emphasizing the potential of vibrational assessments in orthopedic diagnostics.
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