Comparative study between propulsion control system failures of an electrical vehicle piloted by FOC and by DTC using dual-induction-motors structure
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University of Batna 2
Submission date: 2020-04-19
Final revision date: 2020-06-22
Acceptance date: 2020-07-13
Online publication date: 2020-07-14
Publication date: 2020-09-02
Corresponding author
Salah Yahia Cherif   

University of Batna 2
Diagnostyka 2020;21(3):41-47
This paper deals with a comparative study using numerical simulations between the failures effect caused by the speed sensor faults for a propulsion control system (PCS) of an electrical vehicle (EV) using dual-induction motors structure. The PCS strategies are achieved on two types of controls where the first one is done from a flux-oriented control (FOC) and the second one is conducted from a direct torque control (DTC). For an electric vehicle, we will often guarantee service continuity, in spite of the occurred faults such as an offset fault in speed sensor and a zero-feedback sensor speed fault which both are essentially needed in the structure of the PCS-EV. The occurred fault cited above might influence one of the dual induction motors which could be conducted an unbalance in the dual used motors and from which the control of the vehicle might be also lost. The results of the realized numerical simulations on the EV conducted by the PCS demonstrate clearly the impact of the so-called-fault. Thereafter, we can also appreciate the robustness using each used control propulsion system in despite of the occurred speed sensor fault.
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