Diagnosis of air compressor condition using minimum redundancy maximum relevance (MRMR) algorithm and distance metric based classification
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Mechanical Engineering/College of Engineering/ Wasit University/.
Mechanical Engineering/ Wasit University/College of Engineering.
Civil Engineering/College of Engineering/ Wasit University/.
Submission date: 2021-08-17
Final revision date: 2021-10-28
Acceptance date: 2021-11-06
Online publication date: 2021-11-08
Publication date: 2021-11-08
Corresponding author
Hussein Razzaq Al-Bugharbee   

Mechanical Engineering/College of Engineering/ Wasit University/.
Diagnostyka 2021;22(4):25-32
Abstract: Finding a reliable machines condition monitoring technique has been attracted many researchers to avoid the sudden failure in machines and the unexpected consequences. This work proposes a combined fault diagnosis methodology of air compressors using frequency-based features and distance metric-based classification. The analyzed experimental datasets contain one healthy condition and seven different fault conditions. Features are extracted from the frequency spectrum, then the best feature sets are selected using MRMR algorithm. Eventually the classification is conducted using a distance metric classifier. The results demonstrated the automatic classification can reach 99% correct classification rate. The effect of selected feature set size, training sample size on the classification accuracy is also investigated. From the results, this method of analysis can be used efficiently for early detection of faults with very great accuracy.
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