Diagnostic and management system specified for control of engine equipped with the HCCI combustion technology
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Sjf TU Kosice
Submission date: 2018-06-05
Final revision date: 2018-07-14
Acceptance date: 2018-09-03
Online publication date: 2018-09-04
Publication date: 2018-09-04
Corresponding author
Michal Puskar   

Sjf TU Kosice, Letna 9, 04101 Kosice, Slovak Republic
Diagnostyka 2018;19(4):39-44
On the present there is very intensively emphasized the environmental protection, which is also connected with reduction of emissions produced by the vehicles. The actual European emission standard EURO 6 will be replaced very soon with the new and even stricter standard EURO 7. There is a well-known fact that the new regulations are demanding with regard to the NOX emissions. However, there is at disposal a suitable technical solution, namely in the form of an innovative engine technology, which is called the HCCI. A principle of this technology consists in a self-ignition of the homogenous air-fuel mixture using the compression process. Combustion of the mixture is performed in the whole compression volume without a spark ignition, whereby the NOX emission level is almost negligible. However, this technology is also characterised by several serious problems, for example there is occurring a complication concerning control of the self-ignition phenomenon. The presented article introduces an original diagnostic system, which enables to control the whole self-ignition system and in this way to ensure a reliable operation of the HCCI engine. This system is patented now as well as it was tested in an experimental vehicle built for the international competition “shell eco marathon”
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