Experimental diagnosis of cavitation for a hydraulic monotube shock absorber
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Submission date: 2016-05-31
Final revision date: 2016-08-05
Acceptance date: 2016-08-05
Publication date: 2016-09-19
Diagnostyka 2016;17(3):75-80
Hydraulic shock absorbers are mechanical devices responsible of vibration damping, in these, the energy is dissipated forcing the internal fluid through calibrated orifices. Hydraulic fluid has therefore a fundamental role for the proper functioning of the overall device. One of the most dangerous phenomena involving the internal fluid is cavitation, which could affect performances and generate structural damages of the internal components of the damper. The aim of this work is to diagnose the phenomenon of cavitation using experimental data from a prototype of monotube shock absorber equipped with transparent walls and developed for research purposes. The identification of force and displacement parameters is carried out through experimental tests on the prototype, which is a adjustable device equipped with pressure and temperature transducers for every chamber. The optical access provided from the transparent wall allows to collect images from a high-speed camera, which could be related to the signals coming from the transducers. This approach is valuable for analyzing the occurrence and the time development of dynamic phenomena of cavitation of the flow. Finally, the acquisition of the optical images, coupled with evidences from experimental data, allows to characterize the dynamic events of cavitation, from his onset.