Guide for Authors

  • Manuscripts intended for publication in Diagnostyka should be submitted in *.doc or *.docx format by an on-line procedure available on
  • Manuscript should be original and should not be submitted either previously or simultaneously elsewhere, neither in whole, nor in part.
  • Submitted papers must be written in English.
  • A brief abstract must be included. The keywords and subject classification for the article is required.
  • Postal addresses, affiliations and email addresses for each author are required.
  • When submitting an article, please enter the data of all authors in the system in the correct order, provide the correct affiliations (these data are automatically downloaded by the system). It is also advisable to provide the authors with ORCID ID, Scopus ID, Researcher ID, which allowed for the correct identification of the authors in the bibliographic databases.
  • Detailed information regarding the preparation of manuscripts is provided below template.docx.
    The submitted manuscript should be information:
    • the statement that the manuscript is original, the submission has not been previously published, nor was sent to another journal for consideration,
    • a statement regarding the use or non-use of AI methods in preparing the article. When using AI, it is essential to describe the scope of use of these methods when preparing the article,
    • 2-3 names of suggested reviewers together with their affiliations, full postal and e-mail addresses; suggested reviewers should be affiliated with other scientific institutions than the affiliations of the authors,
    • author’s suggestion to classification of the paper as the research paper, review paper or technical note.

Each manuscript is initially evaluated by the Editor and then allocated to an Associate Editor according to specific subject area. Upon receiving the Associate Editor’s list of potential reviewers, the Editorial Office forwards it to reviewers. The Editor and the Associate Editors make the final recommendation. Their opinions are crucial for the Editorial Committee to decide whether the paper can be accepted for publication or not.
All articles submitted for publication are subjected to the anti-plagiarism procedure using the iThenticate system.

Publication fee.
The cost of publishing an article in Diagnostyka journal is PLN 1000 (approx. EUR 240 or 265 US $).
The publication fee is payable after the article obtains the approval and gets the status "Initially accepted manuscripts".
As soon as the payment is posted, the article is subject to the further procedure and is submitted for publication. Status "Initially accepted manuscripts" means that the article meets all editorial requirements and after the payment it will be accepted for publication and published in the journal. The payment for the article is made against a pro-forma invoice, then after the payment is posted, a VAT invoice is issued.
Both the pro-forma invoice and the VAT invoice are included in the editorial system.
In special cases, the editorial board may exempt the Authors from charges, e.g. the Authors of the most frequently cited articles (citations in the SCOPUS and Web of Science databases excluding self-citations).
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