Mimimizing the cost of using tractors at agricultural operations
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Bashkir State Agrarian University
Submission date: 2020-02-16
Final revision date: 2020-05-06
Acceptance date: 2020-05-12
Online publication date: 2020-05-13
Publication date: 2020-05-13
Corresponding author
Rishat Zaynagabdinov   

Bashkir State Agrarian University
Diagnostyka 2020;21(2):41-49
The paper shows the economic efficiency of the optimal use of technology in crop production. A totally new model has been developed ,that allows planning the operation of each tractor individually, as well as an integer programming method with Boolean variables based on the formation of a lexicographic sequence. The paper shows the calculation according to the optimization criterion of the minimum duration of the work. The developed method of integer programming is original because it allows to solve problems typical of agricultural planning. For this, the authors derived a formula for the formation of any member of the lexicographic sequence and developed the AgroMaster + computer program, which also carries out the search for the optimal solution using the method of truncated exhaustive search. Due to optimal planning, the total duration of agricultural operations is reduced by 1.7 times compared to their actual duration. The cost of additional products received per 1 moto-hour is 7.3 dollars. The testing the results of studies in one of the farms of the Republic of Bashkortostan showed the possibility of practical application of the above developments for optimal planning of tractors in any agricultural enterprises.
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