The integration of renewable energy-based distributed energy resources (DER) into distribution networks has increased due to rising load demand and growing concerns about global warming. The integration of DERs has transformed the operation of distribution networks from a passive to an active nature. As a result, a bidirectional flow of current occurs in the distribution networks. The protection of such systems is generally performed using directional overcurrent relays (DOCRs). However, optimal coordination of the DOCRs is necessary to ensure safe operation. Therefore, this paper aims to develop the optimal coordination of DOCRs using two nature-inspired techniques: Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The developed algorithms are tested on IEEE 6-Bus and IEEE 15-Bus test systems in the MATLAB R2022b environment. To validate the effectiveness of the methods, the obtained results are compared with various up-to-date algorithms. The comparison shows that the GA outperformed all the algorithms in minimizing the relay operation time for optimum coordination of overcurrent relays.
This research received no external funding.
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