RMS-based damage detection in reinforced concrete beams: numerical simulations
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Gdańsk University of Technology
Submission date: 2019-05-31
Final revision date: 2019-07-31
Acceptance date: 2019-09-16
Online publication date: 2019-09-17
Publication date: 2019-09-17
Corresponding author
Beata Zima   

Gdańsk University of Technology
Diagnostyka 2019;20(4):3-10
Image-based damage detection methods using guided waves are well known and widely applied approaches in structural diagnostics. They are usually utilized in detection of surface damages or defects of plate-like structures. The article presents results of the study of applicability of imaging wave-based methods in detection in miniscule internal damage in the form of debonding. The investigations were carried out on numerical models of reinforced concrete beams with varying size of circumferentially oriented debonding between steel rod and concrete block. Maps created using root mean square of measured signals are presented. Moreover, the results were collected for two different excitation frequencies.
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