Stochastic simulation and validation of Markov models of real driving cycles
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University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Submission date: 2019-03-08
Acceptance date: 2019-06-13
Online publication date: 2019-06-17
Publication date: 2019-06-17
Corresponding author
Andrzej Puchalski   

University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Diagnostyka 2019;20(3):31-36
The driving cycle is a time series of the vehicle speed reflecting its movement in real road conditions. The WLTC (Worlwide harmonized Light duty Test Cycle) valid from August 2017 is based on real driving profiles derived from research and statistical analysis of road traffic in Europe, the USA and Asia. In addition to certification and comparative research, driving cycles are used in the process of virtual design of drive systems and embedded control algorithms, traffic management or intelligent road transport. Regardless of the intended use, the standard test does not guarantee the correctness of the results obtained. There is a need to generate many different driving cycles that meet the established equivalence conditions. The article discusses the methods of stochastic simulation and assessment of equivalence of obtained traffic models. The Monte Carlo method of Markov chains was used in the research. The comparative criteria are defined using the statistical parameters of the vehicle speed time series and the corresponding multifractal spectra. The synthesis was carried out at predetermined length of time series. The experiment carried out involved the study of traffic in real road conditions of urban driving and extra-urban large agglomerations during working days.
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