The concept of an improved acoustic wireless sensor node for leak detection and location in a water distribution networks
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Silesian University of Technology
Submission date: 2019-06-24
Final revision date: 2019-08-27
Acceptance date: 2019-09-16
Online publication date: 2019-09-23
Publication date: 2019-09-23
Corresponding author
Mateusz Andrzej Kosior   

Silesian University of Technology
Diagnostyka 2019;20(4):49-55
The paper presents the concept of a node of an acoustic-based system for leak detection and location. The system monitors hydraulic parameters and condition of a water distribution network (WDN) using a wireless sensor network (WSN). The WSN’s nodes communicate with each other using acoustic waves propagating through water in the pipeline. Alternatively, a WSN uses a combination of acoustic-based and radiowave-based communication. The preliminary research positively verified communication capabilities of the WSN in laboratory conditions. The paper discusses the improvements of an idea presented in previous papers and its possible application to leak detection and location. The paper continues the long-term research on diagnostics of water distribution networks conducted by the Institute of Fundamentals of Machinery Design.
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