The effect of addition of lpg and camelina oil esters on noise and vibration in a dual fuel CI engine
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Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Vehicles, Narbutta 84, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland
Publication date: 2017-12-20
Diagnostyka 2014;15(4):53-57
With the development of internal combustion engines, engineers attempt to reduce the noise and vibration generated. Due to the high cost of fuel, are increasingly looking for new sources of power in order to reduce costs. In diesel engines, an increasingly popular method is the admixture of propane-butane. This follows because of the price of the fuel as well as to improve the efficiency of combustion. With the development of this type of dual fuel power seems to be a reasonable study of the effects of LPG to generate noise and vibration, as well as an attempt to evaluate the combustion process. The article describes preliminary studies on these phenomena example Yanmar L70 with a modified injection system of diesel and LPG in the gaseous phase. The paper presents the results of noise and vibration of dual fule engine using different shares of LPG and camelina oil esters.
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